How should you take care of your vehicle tyres? We will guide you.
How often have you seen people stranded on the road side because of a flat tyre or tyre related issues?
The answer is obviously many times, as each one of us has seen these scenarios many times over. However, what if we told you these unpleasant experiences can be totally avoided with just a handful of steps?
Car and bike tyres get dirty a lot and out of all the stains and dirt, tyre grime is the hardest to remove and cause tyre degradation which often leads to punctures, burst and more. Just with some simple and easy checks and routines, you can steer clear from the above mentioned situations which will make you think of a question no driver on the road would like, how to replace a car tyre? Along with a few check ups and essential car tyre care products your vehicle’s tyre health can be improved and you will be sure of a pleasant driving experience, every time.
One might also wonder, tyres are just to be kept inflated and free from any visible damage for hassle free driving. Truth couldn’t be far from this. If the tyres are not kept in the ideal conditions, it is guaranteed to result in poor handling of the vehicle, affect the performance and also early wear and tear.
And conversely, if the tyres are kept in top shape, you can ensure better fuel consumption and much more. Further, tyres in good condition will also help you avoid tyre skidding, punctures and bursts.
So let’s take a look at essential bike and car tyre care tips.
The first rule of car tyre maintenance: Air pressure check
Though, everyone knows the importance of keeping tyres inflated to the right level, but not everyone is careful about maintaining it. Always keep a good look at your tyres before you take it out for a spin. Use a gauge to check the exact tyre pressure and look for any signs of wear and tear, also do keep an eye on the tyre treading.
Cleaning the tyres properly
The next point in extending tyre health is to clean the tyres regularly. And this is something that needs no professional help as such, because you will be good just with a car tyre care kit having 3-4 essential products.
First things first. Use a good quality foam cleaner for a thorough cleaning, shine, and protection of the car tyres and bumpers. These specialist products are pretty easy to use and extend the tyre life by extending the dark wet look. All you need to do is just spray the foam, let it sit for a couple of minutes and wipe later for a squeaky clean surface. Next, choose a good tyre shine to prolong the new like sheen of your tyres. Using a good tyre shiner will protect your tyres from UV rays, prevent surface degradation and improve the overall performance of the vehicle.
Alternatively, you can also use a multi-purpose cleaner that works well with all rubber and vinyl parts of your car like the dashboard, tyres and bumpers. But we recommend keeping a separate cleaner for the metal parts like chrome and polished rims and wheel alloys. Use a suitable rust cleaner that will be perfect for cleaning the alloy and keep it free from rust as well as wear and tear.
Keeping a tab on the Wheel alignment and balancing
No doubt having the above mentioned car and bike tyre care products will help you immensely in the cleaning and overall maintenance of tyres. But perhaps the most severe damage to vehicle tyres occurs because of faulty alignment and balancing. These issues are best detected when you are driving the vehicle. So the best way to go about eliminating the tyre damage is to seek professional help for even a minor alignment and balancing fault.
Tyre care tips for parked vehicles
When you are using a vehicle regularly, the tips listed in the above sections will be of immense help to you. But, what to do when it comes to tyre maintenance tips for parked cars and bikes which won’t be taken out for a drive in the near future?
In this case, you have to pay attention to maintaining the right pressure in the tyres all the time to avoid a flat spot. Inspect the tyres regularly to spot any bulging, cracks, damage or puncture, which can deflate the tyre and reduce the air pressure.
For ensuring the right pressure, make a point to always park your bike on the main stand and rotate the wheels to eliminate the chances of a flat spot. Also keep checking the tyres regularly so that recommended air pressure is maintained and inflate them when needed.
Having a great driving experience is only ensured when you proactively take care of your vehicle’s health. Hence we at Vista Auto are always striving to bring to you quality car and bike care products and valuable tips to use the same. Keep a check on this section for more useful tips. Happy driving.